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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

ty those concern to me whenever im not in a good condition. toothache and period pain. seriously i hate that feeling when i keep wasting my tears on it.
ty Kaka bagi tisu dalam Tech Math tadi.
ty Akma untuk Paracetamol.

annoying you Mr Nasran bila you stare at me like a leopard wait for his lunch but thanks for allow me texting in class while you ask us to copy down your note.
annoying you Spade bila kau kata "aku tak berani tegur Nurul, Jimmy je yang berani"
annoying you Jimmy bila kau tau aku mg kalah dengan kau.
annoying you guys cakap pasal gula-gula.

korang tau ap tu gula-gula? tak? apa nate yang bagai gula-gula berkaler putih? dah tau? terima kasih.